7 Quotes & Sayings By Barry Babcock

Barry Babcock is a Registered Nurse with over 25 years of experience in the area of psychiatric nursing. She is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviourist and Certified Professional Dog Trainer. She is also a certified coach, teacher, and yoga instructor. Her extensive knowledge in the areas of animal behaviour, animal training, and yoga has helped her to publish a book called "The Power of Yoga for Dogs". She is the president of the Barry Babcock Company Inc., a publishing company dedicated to helping people through their journey of recovery from mental health issues. Her company specializes in publishing books for people who have suffered from mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and schizophrenia Read more

They also publish books for people who have been diagnosed with these conditions or have family members who have been diagnosed with these conditions. Barry has also worked with clients to help them publish books on self-help, inspirational topics such as spiritual healing, forgiveness, and coping skills. Her goal is to bring about the awareness of these issues through writing books which will be helpful to people suffering from these issues and hopefully inspire them to seek professional help if further treatment is needed. Barry was born in Toronto Canada but raised in Toronto Ontario Canada. She went on to become an elementary school teacher at several schools in Toronto before becoming a Psychiatric Nurse at the Hospital for Sick Children where she worked for 11 years before starting her own company.

While I lingered about the old village and the lake, with the water lapping on the shore and the wind whispering in the big pines, I felt for a moment that I was back in time among the Ojibwe families going about their business. Barry Babcock
We must stop seeing the natural world as a commodity and start seeing it as we would see a family member, something to love, protect, care for, and cherish. Barry Babcock
The forest talks but a good hunter only hears it by learning its language. Barry Babcock
On a winter’s day when a person’s spirits may be low and to behold thirty to one-hundred Evening Grosbeaks busily gorging themselves on bird seed and perched in a stand of pines with all of them creating a cacophony of sparrow like chirps, this is real therapy for me. It is an act of contagious optimism. It is at such times I realize that a bird can do more for me than a shrink. Barry Babcock
No animal could change the character of the land as the presence of the wolf had that day. Barry Babcock
...no other life form needed man, man needed all the others in which to survive. Barry Babcock